Our Story

 We met in 2001 when we were both in college. We started out as friend's months before we started dating. We were married almost 7 years later on the beach where we had our first date.  If you ask our friends they think we are a very unique couple because we are so different as people, yet so alike in our values and beliefs about what is important in life. Julia is very outgoing and will engage in conversation with anyone, while James is more reserved until you get to know him.  

Why Adoption?
We always knew we wanted children.  Both of us come from very large and close-knit families.  After we were married we started trying to conceive naturally like most couples but were faced with multiple disappointments including several miscarriages.  We did fertility treatments and found out that it was not going to be safe for Julia to become pregnant nor was it likely.  Our experience with infertility not only opened our eyes to the beauty of adoption, but also strengthened our marriage and better prepared us to be parents. We feel it is a privilege to bring a child into our family just as God brings us into His.

James (by Julia)
James is one of a kind and God really broke the mold when he made him.  He is the most loving, confident, smart and giving person I know.  His sense of humor and wit is what first attracted me to him.  He is truly my best friend and everything I always imagined in my life partner.  James is such a big kid at heart which is one of the reasons I know he will be an amazing Dad.  It is so much fun to watch him play and teach so many new things to the kids in our life.  He cannot wait to take fishing trips, read bedtime stories and watch Saturday morning cartoons (with someone other than me.)  Any child will be  lucky to call him Daddy!

Julia (by James)
Julia is a constant ray of sunshine.  She has a beautiful smile that can only be topped by the size of her heart.  She is loving, extremely creative, understanding and fun.  She has the ability to make a friend out of a complete stranger and that's why I love her.  Julia is great with kids.  It's great to watch all my nieces and nephew's line up to get hugs from her, even when that means I get skipped.  Julia will be a great Mom and can't wait to be doing art projects and planning birthday parties.

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